Since then, we've been on a marathon two-day tech survey - ranging across the province to show - and in some cases see for the first time - the locations we'll be shooting at here in Manitoba. No rest for the wicked as they say. Under the expert guidance of Jack our driver and Manchester Mike our locations manager, we criss-crossed the southern half of this province and I really feel like I've only begun to scratch the surface of all the rich vistas and period-perfect locations Winnipeg and environs have to offer.
Today, am racing to see and approve the final props, decor, casting and costumes we need in order to start shooting on Sunday. Still have changes to make to the script (to better fit locations, time, budget and credibility). And try to unpack somewhere in there!
It's all going incredibly fast and I wish I could put a camera in my forehead and just share all the moments with you as they unfold as I am in a race for time before we start shooting again, but I'll do my level best to drop as many anecdotes along the way as I can.
Beyond that though, we now have a fabulous writer/photographer embedded with us. Sue Chappel has already started posting on our Facebook Fan Page. Check her out - she'll keep you really plugged in as we go!