It's the day after those thrilling Olympic Games ended and there's most definitely something new in the air...
Something about Gold. Something about Canada. Something about Vancouver.
Something about Julia.
Throughout this exhaustive casting process, we've been blessed with many very strong, very talented candidates for the role of Elizabeth from all across Canada. After seeing and/or spending valuable time with all of them, the very difficult choice has been made at long last:
I am thrilled to announce that young Ms. Julia Stone from Vancouver, BC is our Elizabeth!
Some of you might remember - we first saw her on the Facebook Fan Page. Her tape was posted just before Christmas. Even as we continued to explore our short list of possible Elizabeths, there was something to Julia's tape that made us want to see more of her. We requested another self-tape - and in the space of the six or seven weeks between the first and second tape, we saw some really exciting growth in Julia's acting skills and on-screen presence.
Then as we continued to narrow down our choice bit by bit, this bright, soulful young lady came out to Montreal from Vancouver with her dynamic young mom on a complete act of faith to workshop with us! We all understood it was a long shot. Nonetheless, it didn't take long for everyone in the room to feel she had a real shot. Macha (who will play Marion), Barbara and I all felt and saw very quickly that Julia had that "je ne sais quoi" that, with a little work and time, translated into - Elizabeth.
So, I'd like to officially say here, Welcome, Julia! Or as they say in Vancouver: Bienvenue!
We are SO glad to have you on our team, and in our family - both on and off-screen...
I'd also like to say a big thank you again to all the girls who auditioned. It's been a real privilege for me that each of you would give your time and your talent to audition for this character. I just wish I had a movie big enough for every one of you to have a role! If you love to act, though, please just keep doing what you love - it's bound to pay off in some way!