For the first time in its 82-year history, the Academy saw fit to honour a WOMAN in the "Best Director" - and 5 other categories - including the really big kahoona, the one so glorious they save it for dessert: "Best Picture"!
Even though 1 in 82 still equals a lot of catching up to do, there is undeniable justice to be celebrated in this recognition.
The poetic part though, comes in the timing.
And I don't just mean that in the way, as Babs opined, "The time has come", but in the way that it happened at exactly the right moment in time to really give it some poetry ...
I mean, how delicious that this very resounding and very public shattering of such a solid glass ceiling took place on the "eve" of International Women's Day?
That kind of irresistible coincidence really only happens in the movies, after all...
And how fun, that on the eve of us making a movie called, The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom - which is nothing if not a film for, by and about women finding their voices - that this historic breakthrough is ringing in our ears as the camera is about to roll on a Dolly-driven dream?
Finally, and here's the best part, Kathryn Bigelow's acceptance speech... Given the same podium and opportunity others before her have taken to make all manner of loaded political statements, here is what the first woman ever to win an Oscar for Best Director in 82 years of the Academy's existence had to say:
There is no other way to describe this. It's the moment of a lifetime. First of all -- this is so extraordinary to be in the company of such powerful -- my fellow nominees -- such powerful film makers who have inspired me and I have admired for -- some of whom -- for decades. Thank you to every member of the Academy. This is again the moment of a lifetime.
I would not be standing here if it wasn't for Mark Bohl who risked his life for the words on the page and wrote such a courageous screenplay that I was fortunate enough to have a great cast bring that screenplay to life. Jeremy Renner. Anthony Mackey and Brian Garrity.
And I think the secret to directing is collaborating and I had truly an extraordinary group of collaborators in my crew: Barry Akroyd and Kelly Juliason, and Bob Murawski, Chris Innis, Ray Beckett, Richard Stutzman. And if I could also just thank my producing partners, Greg Shapiro and my wonderful agent Brian Suberal, and the people of Jordan who were so hospitable to us when we were shooting.
And I'd like to dedicate this to the women and men in the military who risk their lives on a daily basis in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world and may they come home safe.
Thank you.
Spoken like a true girl. And how awesome is that?